Heirloom Tomato And Nectarine Salad

Heirloom Tomato And Nectarine Salad

Heirloom Tomato And Nectarine Salad
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If you are ever lucky enough to get your hands on some heirloom tomatoes, use them wisely. Make sure that you enjoy them raw to appreciate their sweetness because they are a notch above your average tomato. Combine that juicy sweetness of heirloom tomatoes with the fresh, sweetly tart nectarines that are readily available during summer and you’ve got summer in a bowl. Although it is a simple combination, it is highly addictive and we think you’ll love it.

Nectarines belong to the stone fruit family, but unlike peaches, nectarines have a smooth skin. They come in yellow or white varieties and vary in shape. For this salad, you want nectarines that are not overripe. The last thing you want are mushy nectarines! They should have a slightly firm texture to contrast the soft and juicy heirloom tomatoes. Nectarines that are slightly firmer also offer a flavor that is slightly more tart, which complements the other herbs in this salad.

Because all of the ingredients in this salad are delicate, make sure that you don’t over-toss the salad. A light toss will do to ensure that all ingredients are coated in the dressing. You can pour the ingredients directly over the salad, instead of whisking separately in a small bowl. The simple dressing is very bright and provides the acidity to balance the sweetness of the nectarines and tomatoes.

Heirloom Tomato And Nectarine Salad
  • Prep Time:10m
  • Total Time:10m


  • 2 1/2 lbs heirloom tomatoes, sliced into wedges
  • 1 1/2 lbs nectarines, sliced into wedges
  • 1/2 c green onion, thinly sliced
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. raw apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tsp. raw agave nectar
  • 1/2 tsp. sea salt
  • 1/2 c basil
  • 1/2 c mint


  1. Add all of the ingredients, except the basil and mint, to a large salad bowl and toss to combine.
  2. Add the basil and mint to the bowl and give a few more tosses, but do not over-toss because you do not want to damage the herbs.
  3. Serve and season with optional sea salt and pepper if desired.
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